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Dear friends in Christ,
A new Lent has begun and so we are taken again with Jesus to the desert. These forty days are a time to be with Him, more closely, more intimately, in the silence and quietude of the desert. Lent is considered a desert because it is a time that should be different; a season in which change should help us to grow closer to God. This is why we commit to some resolutions: not simply to keep some external customs, but rather to do things that might not be part of normal routine and can help us to work in our conversion. These resolutions should be means to grow in charity, to offer some sacrifice and to pray better.

Do you have your Lenten resolution? Is it something that will move you closer to Christ? Is it easy or challenging? May our resolutions help us to experience the unique character of Lent; may they guide our steps through the desert of this time of conversion.

With my prayers for a holy Lent,
Fr. Daniel