2023-2024 Youth Faith Formation
Registration & Program Descriptions
Dear Parents,
Welcome to our 2023-2024 Youth Faith Formation Programs! We are very excited to work with you in forming your children in our Catholic Faith this year. Below are important details about registration and the programs we are offering this school year.
If you have children enrolled in our religious education or sacramental preparation programs, you are required to attend a Parent Meeting in the Saint Agnes Center, either in English or in Spanish. The parent meeting in English will be on Sunday, September 17th, from 9:15 – 10:15 AM. The parent meeting in Spanish will be on Monday, September 18th, from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Please reach out if you have questions to 303.781.6093 ext. 111 or at formation@holynamedenver.org.
We look forward to a great year with your family!
Peace in Christ Jesus,
Robert Le Grand
Director of Formation
Registration Information for
Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation
- Registration begins on Sunday, July 30th and ends on Sunday, August 27th
- Classes begin the week of September 24th, 2023, and go through the week of May 5th, 2024.
- Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 3-4): Meet every other week from 9:15 – 10:15 AM in the space behind the altar in the Church.
- Grades Kindergarten – 5th: Meet on Sundays from 9:15 – 10:15 AM in the St. Agnes Center.
- Grades 6th – 12th: Meet on Mondays from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the St. Agnes Center.
- Pre-K: $25 per family
- Grades K – 12th: $75 for the first child and $55 per additional child
- There is a cap of $240 per family. Payment is due at the time of registration unless other arrangements are made with the Director of Formation.
- Option 1: Enroll and pay online at the link below
- Option 2: Enroll at the parish office by completing a registration form and paying via credit card, cash, or check. Make checks payable to HOLY NAME with a note in the comment line that the money is for Youth Faith Formation Registration.
- Parents of any child enrolled in our program are required to attend meetings, retreats, and other faith formation activities. A calendar will be distributed at the parent meeting.
- One year of an approved religious education is required before entering into the Sacramental Preparation Program. This can be accomplished by enrolling in a class at Holy Name, attending a class at another Catholic parish (letter confirming attendance required), or home schooling using a Catholic based curriculum (must be approved by Father Daniel).
program descriptions
Our Pre-K through 12th Grade Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation program is designed to aid parents in helping form their children into fully initiated Catholics who love God and the Catholic Church, desire to become saints, and are capable of sharing the Gospel with every person they encounter. In order to accomplish this, we have a three year program, which gradually introduces the youth to the richness of our Catholic Faith.
In Year 1, students receive general formation in the Catholic Faith. Topics include the Trinity, the Church, Salvation History, the Sacraments, Morality, and Christian Prayer. During Year 2, students will focus on God’s Mercy while preparing to receive their First Reconciliation at the end of their 2nd Year. Finally, in Year 3 students prepare to receive their sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion by diving deeper into the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, befriending their Confirmation Saint, and learning the beauty of the liturgy – with an emphasis on the Holy Eucharist.
For the 2023-2024 RE program, classes run from September 24th, 2023, through the week of May 5th, 2024, a total of 33 weeks. Due to holy days and breaks, there are a total of 27 weeks of classes in the program.
Year 1: Religious Education
One year of an approved religious education is required before entering into the Sacramental Preparation Program. This can be accomplished by enrolling in a class at Holy Name, attending a class at another Catholic parish (letter confirming attendance is required) or home schooling using a Catholic based curriculum (must be approved by Father Daniel).
Pre-K: Ages 3 – 4 Years Old
We follow a curriculum based on Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessorian method to Catholic religious education. Our curriculum incorporates hands-on learning, along with integrating children into the liturgical life of the Church. Its primary areas of learning are centered on the Scriptures (including biblical geography), Liturgy, and important feasts in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar. The classroom is located behind the altar and it is set up with hands-on learning materials to engage the child and help facilitate a relationship between the child and Jesus.
Kindergarten – 6th Grade
We use the Word of Life curriculum which is an engaging and relevant kerygmatic catechesis that young learners will enjoy through a blended learning model of textbook, online learning interactions, and engaging video enhancements. It uses a teach-the-teacher model that equips teachers to present lessons effectively and themselves to be more deeply formed in the faith as they teach. This authentic and comprehensive program, for both children and parents, provides a complete family faith formation with Word of Life materials and the expansive digital library of Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press.
7th – 12th Grade
We follow a curriculum that takes young people on a journey through the Catholic faith in all its richness. Youth will learn about the existence of God, Creation and the Human Person, and key events all the way through Salvation History. They will be educated in the articles of the Creed and the Fundamentals of Catholic Doctrine and the Moral Life. Youth will understand how the Liturgy, Sacraments, Prayer, Discipleship, and Evangelization are the ways to grow in their faith and deepen their love for Christ and our Catholic Church. In addition to regular classes, a retreat designed to aid the youth in encountering God, allows the youth to deepen their relationship with God and find answers to life’s questions.
Year 2: First Reconciliation
2nd – 6th Grade
We utilize a combination of Word of Life, Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven and the Saints Among Us curricula to prepare children to encounter God’s mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Collectively, these resources are designed to help the youth understand sin and the need for grace, know the Rite of Reconciliation, and be able to make an examination of conscience. In addition to weekly classes, a unique parent-child retreat allows the youth to become more comfortable with the act of confession and be confident in God’s love and mercy.
7th – 12th Grade
We use a program based on the YouCat series, including the YouCat Confession Book and YouCat Prayer Book, which teaches youth the Rite of Reconciliation and the importance of prayer. Youth are given more understanding of God’s love in Salvation History, Christ’s Redemptive work on the Cross, the 10 Commandments, and how to make a good examination of conscience. Most importantly, students will learn of the divine mercy of God, a gift they will receive in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Year 3: Confirmation & First Holy Communion
3rd – 6th Grade
We use a combination of the Word of Life: 3rd-6th Grade series and Signs of Grace: You Are Sent and Signs of Grace: You Are Loved series, which prepares children to be strengthened and nourished in the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. In addition to classes there will be two retreats, which further catechize and deepen the faith of the youth. The first is a Confirmandi-Sponsor retreat, which strengthens the bond between the two as they enter into this next phase. The second retreat is designed for the youth to learn more about the sacraments they are receiving.
7th – 12th Grade
We use a combination of the Chosen: Your Journey to Confirmation series and the Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Explained series, to prepare youth to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Collectively, these resources allow the youth to dive ever deeper into the mysteries of their Catholic Faith, discover how they can live out the teachings of the Gospel, and become equipped to share their faith with confidence. In addition to classes there will be two retreats: the first is a Confirmandi-Sponsor retreat, which strengthens the bond between the two as they enter into this next phase; the second retreat is designed for the youth to learn more about the sacraments they are receiving.
Baptism for Older Children
Infants – Age 6
Children six years old and under are received through infant baptism. Please contact Deacon Don Schaefer at 303-781-6093×104 or at denverdeacondon@comcast.net to arrange for your child to be Baptized.
Ages 7 – 17
Children seven and older are received through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. Children will be enrolled in an age appropriate class to help prepare them to receive their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil on March 30, 2024. Youth preparing to be Baptized will need to select a Godparent and Sponsor, ideally the same person. After they enter the Catholic Church at Easter Vigil, we strongly recommend youth return for a second year of mystagogy, which further deepens their Catholic Faith and prepares them to receive First Reconciliation.